Hi, I'm Zeke Dou
Something about me:
- I am a computer technology enthusiast, especially fond of Unix-like OSs, Nix, Emacs, Erlang/OTP and Elixir.
- I run a studio with my wife - SoSimple Tech.
- I run a studio myself - 2Players Studio.
- I maintain several online projects, such as Dusto, Elixir China, etc.
You can also find me at:
- GitHub - my footprint in the open-source world.
- Elixir Forum - I occasionally speak up here.
If you want to reach out to me, please send email to [email protected]. In general, I read all my emails every Wednesday. If you prefer to encrypt your message, you may do so with my PGP public key:
- Fingerprint:
D24A FB63 1156 FC42 7E8F 21B5 CA64 A1BE 51CB 6DA2
- Profile:
Zeke Dou (Live alone.) <[email protected]>